The Beauty of Breakthrough

6 min readDec 20, 2021

Head Start👋

Hey, game-changers! Juky here. I am a TKS innovator, BCI, and Biohacking enthusiast. Currently, I am working on a BCI project, using your brain to control a robot. It is not remote control, but brain control! Here is more about what I am doing:


This week is my super breakthrough day on my BCI🖥️🧠project!!! I had spent like weeks figuring this out and it was not easy at all. These are the things that I had to figure out:

  1. I had to buy all the materials online with a lot of questions on which one will work, but I did not overthink that and just did it through trial and error, which is the most convenient way. Do not overthink and be stuck. The fastest way to fail is then you know what works or not.

2. I got to learn how to solder the super intrinsic BCI MindFlex chip from NeuroSky. it took me like hours and daddy consulting to learn. Then it did not work. I got to question the iron that I bought and it was the problem. I had to use an electrical circuit iron.⚡🔌

3. A funny story is that during my adventure to buy my pieces of equipment, I was explaining my project to the hardware customer. He got so passionate and hyped that he paid for the equipment that I was trying to buy. Super grateful for that!!!🤗

4. A super potato shoutout to @Apoorva Tumu — Virtual (she/her) who had supported me so much during this process. We were just having a call. She said that I not going to sleep if you do not finish with my headset today. She kept me accountable. BTW I love her saying: “What is for tomorrow, do it today. What is for today, do it NOW!

That’s is how you make a breakthrough:

Support. Perseverance. Patience. And the urge of how badly you want it to happen.

I am not saying this to brag about myself but to say that you are not alone. I experienced hardships. Let’s have a couple of breakthroughs on this winter break!!!!


  1. Most people are stressed and burning out due to this simple fact of having too much to do and too little time. However, they do not realize that this is just one of the side effects of procrastination. For a long time, I thought that I am being productive and organized by deferring tasks to their proper time to do so. Unfortunately, I am wrong. I am just afraid to try and fail in the end.
  2. I had been asking this question: “How to fully embrace something that you had learned?” Some people say: “Create action items for what you had learned!” Others might say make connections to what you already know. Even though these are proven to be effective, I had tested them out and figured something more general that works. The key to true embracement is to fully experience it with your soul. Let what you learned to be part of you.
  3. There are two types of pain: The pain for not trying or giving up and the pain of failure but keeping up. The former is a life-long ghost and the latter is life-long pride. Failure is inevitable. Pain feels good in hindsight

My Experience with Lie-In (oversleeping)💤

  1. Somehow I feel pressure on things and it seems that I am more productive. It is related to Pakistan Law. It is a self-imposed deadline to finish something. But in my case, it is the pressure-imposed deadline.
  2. It is interesting that depending on perspective, you get different feelings dealing with the exact situation. Waking up late is a ton of pressure. But if you use that pressure to prompt you up and gogogo, that is just considered motivation.


  1. Have you ever felt stressed out because of all those tasks you preset for yourself or imposed by your environment? Well if you do not want to continue to stress out and overthink. That one that is manageable and do it. Create momentum for your flow then keep on this “effortless” current of productivity.

Warming: If you break the momentum, it takes energy and time to rebuild it. That’s why I have theme day: School day, project day, refresh day, and so on. Additionally, sometimes is it demotivating to break momentum to do meaningless things. I feel defeated after watching my Chinese anime when I could prioritize my projects.

Remember: It is a choice, so you are more in control than you think. You are in control before you break the momentum. After the destruction of momentum, you will be creating an opposite momentum if the task does not align with your goal. Keep it up with your momentum!🏃‍♂️👟

  1. What would you do if the world start awakening people with superpowers?
  2. If no one told you how to do your job, how would you do it?


  1. I am grateful for life and the opportunity that I have in this world. I understand that there are a lot of kids that do not have the same privileges for education and a community to grow. I am thankful for the world is so big then I cannot get bored.
  1. I am grateful for the understanding of the people around me. All my mistakes are valid need changes. I appreciate their sympathy and allow me to grow. Happy to work with those around me and people that I can collaborate instead of competing.
  2. I am super grateful for everything that I have. I just have a few problems with my goals and doing them. I am not procrastinating but the task seems so small but still, I cannot do that. God, Universe, and the cosmos please help me. How should I be behaving right now?


What you want to do tomorrow, to it today. What it is planned for today do it now.

Apoorva, TKS innovate student

“Don’t be intimidated by what you don’t know. That can be your greatest strength and ensure that you do things differently from everyone else.”

“Start small, think big, and scale fast”

Sara Blakely

Hidden Thoughts💭

  1. When you work on something greater than yourself, the fear fades away.
  2. For difficult tasks, always be in motion. Try multiple ways and options. You should try a certain time and move on if that does not work. Try another way or use another method. Trial & Error
  3. Little things can hinder your way. You Do Not Have The Time to Stress Out. Move ONNNNN.

Action Now⚒️

One of the rituals that helped me a lot to keep on track was be setting intention alarms for myself. Ask the intention of whatever you are doing? Set an alarm 3 times per day to do so. Are you being told to do so or it has meaning and it is important? Are you being productive or just active? Are you leaving it for tomorrow or now?


Comment on one of the questions above and start a conversation with your friends by sharing this article. Remember: We learn the most by sharing and teaching. Keep up with that mindset🧠!⚒️




Hey people! Juky is here sharing optimism, and inspirations that I had learned while exploring the world. I hope y'all enjoy my stories and follow for more!