Life is Too Short to Not Be Yourself

6 min readApr 24, 2022


New York is known for its dollar pizza…

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I went with my fellow friend Kevin to this TECHSPO event in Brooklyn this week. Initially, I did not expect much from it but after the fact that I realized they provide free breakfast, I got excited. There were a lot of marketing-driven companies that use VR & AR, and BIG Data to help companies to create targeted advertisements.

There was this dude in his 40s, who represent the company called Threashhold360, which is a VR company that facilitates tourists in choosing the location for vacation. We had a great conversation about consumers' needs and what problems the product solves. Kevin curiously asked him what was his role in the company. The guy in the suit humbly responded: “Ummm… I am just a sales guy in the company. I was a physicist who quit to do the sale.” Before we leave to explore other dope companies, he gave us his business card. It is only when we walked away from that I realized on the card below his name it is written: Chief Executive Officer (CEO). OMG!!!

Movie! 🎬

After watching this movie, I could see myself as an Asian Brazilian American and how difficult is to be the little perfect son of strict Chinese parents. And yes, the value of family is priceless they are the ones who love you unconditionally. I seriously do not want to give spoilers. This movie is definitely worth watching with friends or parents to chill and relax.

Here are the lessons that I got:

Everyone has an inner beast within them

The lesson is to learn to leave rooms and embrace that part of yourself. Just be honest with yourself and those around you. I totally understand the fear of others not accepting and that is totally fine. Image: If people reject you because you are being honest, maybe that is the most obvious sign that they are the wrong people to be around.

Perfectionism is the perfect receipt for burnout

From experience, perfectionism is the number one reason for the fear to embrace novelties. Humans are naturally full of flaws, but we could get better through iteration. It is hard to be perfect when you are not. It is hard to accept. It is hard to even think of the truth. But it is harder when you realized that ultimately perfectionism does not lead anywhere.

The Stone Cutter

Recently, I had been doubting myself powered by jealousy. The Sonte Cutter story is what pulled me out of this void.

What insights did you take away from this story? Start your squad sync with a discussion about what this story meant to you.

The human desire to wish for everything that they do not have is preventing the reach of ultimate happiness. We never stop to reflect on how powerful we are but just only perceive the power of others. At the end of the story, the stone cutter is “the rock, more powerful than anything else on earth.”

The stonecutter is like me wishing for more than I already am. I wished to be a fast sprinter. I wished to be a great pianist. I wished to be YouTuber. I wished to be someone else. I wish too much. I need to act more.

If you could be happy with less, you become successful faster.


The intention of saying “I don’t know” is not to give up. It is for you to start learning. It’s better to try to fail than to fail to try.

“If you’re working on something that’s really hard, you have to fail a lot. Because otherwise, you’re just making a bunch of silly, risk-less decisions that you know is probably bound to be right. But that just means you’re going to fail anyway.”

*failure, failure, failure*

Nobody will puy what is cool but what will improve their lives

There is nothing wrong with creating a cool product but it is like that popular trend that has a peak and plumages afterward. It is a gradual and sustainable growth, but a weak volatile peak.

Choose the right evidence to support a healthier narrative

This is somehow related to shifting the perspective on how situations are viewed and interpreted. Sometimes we are so focused on the pieces of evidence that cause unhealthy and negative thinking, which could lead to more negativity. Evolutionally, our brain’s default is to always prepare for the worst-case scenario. This mental stimulation is a set of negative “what if…” statements to find the action for survival.

However, for those that survival is not an issue, this negative thought would dominate your day and significantly decreases productivity. What I found useful is to find evidence that fits healthier thinking. For instance: Instead of being drowned in the mental narrative of blaming why your bestie did not answer your call, stop that rebelling mind of assumption and believe that your find might not be feeling well or need some sympathy.


If you think failure isn’t a possibility, it will take you much longer to respond and adjust.

The purpose of failing to learn fast is to reduce the risks associated with resources invested and proceed faster with certainty, aka “failing fast” which helps you to learn about what works (and doesn’t work) sooner.

Wouldn’t you rather know where failure is likely to happen before something gets off the ground?

Fun fact… Apple’s biggest success was drawn from Apple’s biggest failures.

Failures learned from Apple Lisa turned into improvements to build the Macintosh. Apple Newton inspired the making of the iPhone and iPad.

Farnam Street

Today, not tomorrow.

What you avoid today is harder to do tomorrow.

Today’s choices become tomorrow’s position. If you put off things today, they don’t magically disappear tomorrow. They just get added to the list of things you want to do.

Don’t wait till tomorrow. Tomorrow is where dreams go to die.

Learning how to think means being conscious and aware enough to choose what you pay attention to and to choose how you construct meaning from experience.

Our life’s mission has been to please those who can grant or withhold approval: parents, teachers, coaches, admissions officers, and job interviewers. As a result, many of us don’t know what we believe or what matters to us.”


How do we get teams to deliberately prove themselves wrong and cheerfully break things that they believe in without curling up into a ball of anxiety?

So it’s human nature to gravitate toward the paths that feel psychologically safe.




Hey people! Juky is here sharing optimism, and inspirations that I had learned while exploring the world. I hope y'all enjoy my stories and follow for more!